Thankful Thursday - Bouncing Baby Three!

Thursday 9 January 2014 7 comments

We had our 20 week scan today, and I am exceptionally thankful that I have been blessed with another beautiful happy baby, who so far appears healthy. Everything still on the ‘normal’ pathway and placenta nice and high so so far we’re on track for my planned home birth. Need to go all the way back next week to check spine and kidneys as baby wasn’t in a good position but fingers crossed all is well in that department too and I’ll be one step closer.

 Big brothers were much more interested in watching the scan this time than the 12 week scan, and only a few requests were made for ‘cbeebies!’. The sonographer was fabulous, and even pointed out baby giving us a wave and a 'high five!'. Slightly worryingly, when we asked my eldest what he could see on the screen (trying to see if he knew what was going on) he replied, “hmmm...Angusina!”.  Angusina is our cat. I can kind of see where he’s coming from though, the screen is a kind of smudgy blacky, grey – Angusina is a sort of tabby with tortie splodges. Anyway, fairly sure that whatever happens it won’t be a kitten coming out in May!


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