Recently I have been wondering a lot about language, diction and dialect. Isaac is a fairly quiet baby and doesn’t really say much, I chatter away to him all the time and he interacts well with his pals, he just doesn’t seem to feel the need to vocalise much. When encouraging him to speak I want to a) make it easy for him and b) start off as I mean to go on. So that’s best done using ‘proper’ English right? Should be easy enough, after all I am English myself so how hard can it be? Well, now I’ve started noticing things I’m saying and words I’m using and it turns out my English is pretty far removed from that which I imagine it should be, with or without my feelings on the correct usage of specifically/pacifically. I was born near Birmingham and grew up in an area close to there known as ‘The Black Country’, which initially has lovely connotations of the industrial revolution, lovely that is until you realise there was nothing romantic about the industrial revolution and certainly nothing romantic about the many recessions and subsequent declines in the manufacturing industries that give the area much of it’s ermm ‘charm’.
When I grew up I never knew I had an accent and I never heard any of my friends speak with an accent, sometimes when I was on holiday people would laugh at my ‘brummie’ accent, which was confusing as I didn’t live in Birmingham so obviously wasn’t a brummie. My everyday conversational interactions would include phrases such as “wot yow dooin?” (what are you doing?) “youm saft yow am” (you’re silly), “om gonna lomp yow” (i’m going to hit you), and the slightly random “ooo it ay arf black ova bills muvas” (it looks like it may rain, or sometimes, it looks like there may be trouble). I found that as I didn’t hear these at home (my parents being from Yorkshire and Scotland) I could easily drop and pick up the dialect depending upon who I was speaking to, which I have found useful since moving out of the area, although people ‘in the know’ will still sometimes pick me out as a ‘Yam Yam’. I rarely use these phrases now but I do still have the accent and occasionally (especially when ‘het up’ about something I slip into a bizarre mixture Black Country Scots. I didn’t realise until I was fairly old that I had collected some ’non-standard’ words from my mother’s Scottish heritage. I kid you not; I didn’t know that these weren’t the actual words for these things until I was surprisingly old. I did and still do use ‘slater’ for a woodlouse, ‘oose’ for some fluff or lint, ‘peely wally’ for someone who is peaky or pale looking. Add to this the fact that Isaacs’s daddy uses some completely random words like ‘woogley’ for a daddy long legs and ‘stotie’ for a bread roll and it’s no wonder Isaac isn’t too chatty. My guess is he’s probably waiting to hear the queen’s speech on Christmas Day in order to get some clarity in the language department. I’m going to be paying attention too, but only so I can ensure the correct usage of poor old doomed specifically.
Heehee! Why do so many people do it?! I cringe too, and it's all sorts of people who say pacifically instead of specifically. Wonder why...? Good post, made me giggle :)
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