It must be ages...right?

So, here it is... after a month of no blogging (gave birth...moved Internet...Christmas time) I'm ready to share my second bi...

I've got a man living in my house

Don't get me wrong, I do know him. He's Isaac's daddy and my... ummm... my what? This is the problem I face you see. Because I...

The Lovely Lovely Love List Of Loveliness

1. Cake or chocolate – discuss.  Ummm is Chocolate Cake an option? Because if not, it really should be. Here is a picture of a chocolate c...

The TFK Twinner Twist Duo – A Lengthy Review!

I originally wrote a short review to become a long term pushchair tester for Pushchair Trader website, and I thought it might be useful to s...

Wot Yow dooin (a very pacific post)

I often cringe when I hear people use the word ‘pacifically’. Now, I don’t have a personal vendetta against this word in particular, in fa...

Its the final countdown... duddleduhhduhh

So, here I am... 2 weeks or so left till birth and I’m bored. Bored of waiting. It seems like everyone wants to share their birth story with...

Beware the Lodge, (especially the West ones)

When we moved here from Birmingham just over a year ago, I was completely smitten with our new little home; West Lodge. The rent was fabulou...

Leibster Blog Award...

How exciting... my very first (and potentially only!) award. I’ve had a tough week this week, I’m over 8 months pregnant and Isaac has chick...

Pay Attention Mummy!

Today (as you may well be aware) is Tuesday and last Friday night I found some spots on Isaac’s feet and hands. I didn’t really think much o...

If I could have one whole day to myself...

I would drink a cup of tea whilst it’s hot... hmmm make that drink a cup of CAFFINATED tea whilst it’s hot. I would eat my breakfast at m...

You have to be cruel to be kind... the ‘Trap-A-Snack’

A few weeks ago Isaac started to show a real interest in feeding himself; he usually has a spoon of some description to hold while eating (M...


Well today I have started packing my maternity bag... somehow it’s a lot less interesting than first time around... and in fact is actually...

My Top 5 Tips on Buying a new Pushchair!

  Ahhh there’s nothing quite like choosing a new pushchair. And I LOVE getting into all that nitty gritty boring detail about pushchairs. Wh...

The Walk of Shame...

When I was at university (in the dim and distant past) the phrase ‘walk of shame’ was used to identify someone who had woken up the mornin...

Listen Very Carefully...

...I shall say this only once! Well ok, it’s so exciting I’ll more than likely tell you again whether you want me to or not! Some of you m...