It would it be easier if I could stash my children somewhere and do some work without them around but I can’t do that. I feel guilty even looking at my laptop when the kids are around as Isaac is already feeling hard done by by the intrusion of Oscar into our lives, so surely I should spend every spare second I don’t need to spend with Oscar with Isaac? That takes up all my time then, but of course mummies don’t get their own time right? Not to do what they want with anyway. That’s what happens when we decide to become mummies; we understand that it is the end of our own time. Is a job classed as my own time – I’ve always loved work, work of any kind, it’s sad I know but I loved doing a job and doing it well, I love to go the extra mile, do the extra hours and put in the extra effort, I love to think that my boss will see me as his ‘go to’ person, so, if my job is to be a mummy AND to have a worky job how do I do them both better than best? I only have 100% of me, doing both at at least 100% would make 200%, and that sounds tiring. I am tired. So what should I do? I want to do everything, I want to have it all, how would I do that, how would I start? I have no answer for that, and I fear I may get drowned just worrying about doing it all, let alone actually doing it all so I’ve decided to set some time aside for me to recharge myself.
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